The Dark and The Wicked
"The Dark and the Wicked" is a 2020 horror movie about two siblings who encounter a demonic presence at their family farm after their mother's suicide. The film was written and directed by Bryan Bertino and stars Marin Ireland, Michael Abbott Jr., and Xander Berkeley. Filming took place in Texas at the actual farm owned by Bertino's parents.
Article continues below advertisementThe movie premiered at the Fantasia International Film Festival on August 28, 2020, and was later released by RLJE Films on November 6, 2020. Originally scheduled to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2020, the festival was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Dark and The Wicked Ending Explained
In one of the most captivating horror movies about family, the siblings experience progressively terrifying supernatural occurrences that become impossible to ignore. Louise ultimately accepts that their mother wasn't delusional and that the devil is after them. In contrast, Michael wants to move on and leave, which they should have done from the start. Regrettably, as explained in the ending of "The Dark and the Wicked," it's too late.
Article continues below advertisementArticle continues below advertisementFollowing an assault by the nurse and Michael's passing, Louise awakens to the sound of a ringing phone and realizes that she must depart, unaware that it's already too late. She apologizes to her father, who is barely breathing and sets out to leave. However, she tumbles down the stairs outside and, upon hearing her father gasping and coughing, decides she cannot bear to abandon him. She returns to her father and assures him that she won't leave him.
The Dark and The Wicked Cast
Marin Ireland Louise Michael Abbott Jr. Michael Xander Berkeley Father Thorne Lynn Andrews Nurse Julie Oliver-Touchstone Mother Michael Zagst Father Tom Nowicki Charlie Ella Ballentine Young Girl
The Dark and The Wicked Plot
Louise and Michael are siblings who return to their family farm in Texas when their father's illness worsens. Their mother seems disturbed and hangs herself in the barn after cutting off her own fingers. Louise and Michael start to understand what happened to their mother after finding her diary and learning about her fears of a demonic presence preying on their father. They meet Father Thorne, a priest who claims to have known their mother, and witness strange visions and apparitions.
Article continues below advertisementArticle continues below advertisementThey are unable to reach a ranch hand named Charlie, who witnesses a disturbing vision before shooting himself. Their father's health deteriorates, and they find their goats brutally killed.
They both have terrifying nightmares involving the demonic entity. Michael flees the farm to return to his family, but tragedy strikes as he finds them dead in what appears to be a murder-suicide. He cuts his own throat but realizes too late that the entity has tricked him. Back at the farm, Louise's father dies, and she too is attacked and claimed by the demon.
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The Dark and The Wicked Ending Explained - FAQs
1. What is the movie about?The movie is about two siblings who return to their family farm in Texas to care for their sick father, only to discover that their mother's suicide and other frightening events are connected to a demonic presence preying on their family.
2. Is the movie based on a true story?No, the movie is a work of fiction.
3. Who directed the movie?The movie was directed by Bryan Bertino.
4. Who are the main actors in the movie?Marin Ireland, Michael Abbott Jr., and Xander Berkeley are the main actors in the movie.
5. Is the movie suitable for children?The movie has a mature rating and is not suitable for children. It contains graphic violence, disturbing images, and strong language.